Dining With Flavour

Rothenburg is located in the Franken region of Bavaria. The restaurants featured on the click-map below offer Franken specialities such as Nuremburg sausages and sauerkraut and Franken wine in the distinctive round, Bocksbeutal bottle. You will also find specialties from the adjacent Württemberg region and wine from the fields overlooking Rothenburg's Tauber river. Many of our Rothenburg restaurants offer fine international menus and wines as well. Enjoy you dinner in a lovely garden, a classey historic cafe, or in a romantic medieval restaurant next to an ancient fireplace. (more text)

If your driving, you might try a nearby country inn and complete your dinner with a fresh beer from their own brewery. Wherever you dine, you will find prices reasonable and good value. (back)

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Zur Höll Tavern
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The oldest house in Rothenburg featuring an outstanding selection of regional, Franken wine and cooking served in the olde world atmosphere. Proprietor Herr Woerle can arrange private rooms, from business luncheon to wedding reception with just the right menu and wine selection to make your special event heavenly. Zur Höll is found within the old town wall, a short walk from the Criminal Museum. Open every day after 6 pm. Zur Höll, Burggasse 8, D-91541 Rothenburg o.d.T, Germany. Tel 09861-4229, fax 09861-87811.

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Altfränkische Weinstube (Mario's)
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

One of the most romantic, historic restaurants in Rothenburg, it serves great food and wine at very reasonable prices. The friendly good nature of the owner (Mario) is contagious. The place usually has a good mix of visitors and locals. The English Conversation Club meets every Wednesday night and they love to practice their English on foreigners. Address: Klosterhof 7. Phone: 09861-6404, fax: 09861-6410. Prices: moderate, very good value.


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Hotel Gotisches Haus Cafe
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

High beamed ceilings and medieval stonework combine with Franken-Bavarian light specialties to make this cafe nicely unique.   Enjoy a casual lunch in the cafe, or just relax with Kaffee und Kuchen and catch the last rays of sunshine at an outdoor table.   Located just a few steps from the Rathaus (town hall) gothic tower (200 Ft./ 60 Meters high).   Hotel Gotisches Haus, Herrngasse 13.   Tel: 09861-2020, fax: 09861-1317.


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Hotel Tilman Riemenschneider Restaurant
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Located in the heart of Rothenburg, the restaurant offers friendly service, beer fresh from the local brewery, local wine and an extensive menu of local Franken and fine international cusine. Masterfull handcarved wood figures and fine paintings complete the charm. Rooms are available for tours and private events.  Georgengasse 11-13, D-91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber.  Phone 09861-9790, fax 09861-2979.


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Hotel Meistertrunk Garden Cafe
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

A lovely garden cafe located in the courtyard of the Hotel Meistertrunk. The chef prepares fine light dishes suited to any appetite. Local wine. Kaffee and kuchen amongst the roses. Herrngasse 26, D-91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Tel: 09861-6077, fax: 09861 -1253.


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Hotel Gerberhaus
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

A classy cafe and lovely beer garden in the historic Hotel Gerberhaus. The menu includes favorites such as cappuccino, pastries, and Schneebälle in addition to light meals and wine from the Tauber valley. Try a local Franken specialty such as Nürnberger Bratwürstl mit Sauerkraut (Nürnberg sausages with Sauerkraut). Cafe open every day from 1 pm to 11 pm, except Monday. Prices very reasonable. Spitalgasse 25. Phone 09861-9490-0.


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RatsStube Restaurant Cafe
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Informal eating under Gothic arches. Typical German and Italian dishes. Don't miss seeing the unique, medieval, walk-in spring in the Keller (Cellar) room. Located on the market place, across from the Rathaus (town hall) at Marktplatz 6, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T, phone 09861-5511, 2225. fax 09861-92411

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Eiscafe Italia Pizzeria
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

If you want to catch the last ray of sunshine and like to people watch then this restaurant is made for you. You will usually find a good mix of locals and tourists enjoying pizza, cappuccino, wine and conversation at the outdoor tables along Herrngasse. Service is mostly genuine Italian and always good. Herrngasse 8. Phone: 09861-2225. Open everyday 10 am to 12 midnight.

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Bäckerei Striffler (Striffler's Bakery)
Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Home of the original Rothenburger Schneeball , this family run bakery produces excellent bread and pastry using ancient recipes and the finest ingrediants. You can enjoy the fresh pastry and sandwich rolls with coffee or cappuccino in the adjoining Stehcafe (stand-up cafe). Don't miss the local art on the walls. Bäckerei Striffler, Untere Schmiedgasse 1, D-91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Tel.09861 -6788, fax 09861-6733

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Landwehrbräu Inn

The very charming and popular restaurant offers a full menu of regional and seasonal specialties such as trout, asparagus and mushrooms, wild game, and fine Franken cooking.  The inn produces its own excellent beer -- try the dark land-beer fresh from the barrel.  The restaurant seats up to 80 people and offers private meeting rooms for groups of 5 - 30 people.  Open every day from 7 am - 10:30 pm.  Prices are moderate.  Located 7 km ( 4 Miles) north of Rothenburg.  Address: Familie Wörner, 91628 Reichelshofen bei Rothenburg o. T..  Phone 09865-9890, fax 09865-686.


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Zum Rappen Inn

Great restaurant and lovely beer garden.    The Zum Rappen recently upgraded its kitchen for their new master chef, Uli.   He adds his own specialties to the Zum Rappen's regional menu.   If Uli happens to be offering one of his seasonal creations, order that.   It will be excellent.   Mexican night offers great tacos and tequila plus many other of your south-of-the-border favorites.   The prices are still about as low as anywhere in Germany.   Address: Ulrich Dörfler, Schonach, D-97993 Creglingen.    Phone: 07933-620.    Open all day, every day except Monday


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